Why we need more women on stage
More women on stage
And why we need this
The statistics are still pretty bad. At the time of writing, these are the sad facts & figures:
● Globally only 8% of the companies have a female CEO
● On conferences an estimated 15% are female speakers
Here comes the 1 figure you need to remember: worldwide females make 85% of the buying decisions. They decide what gets consumed and what not. That makes women a massive economic force.
The fact that so little women run companies becomes even stranger. Wouldn’t it be logical that decisions on marketing, product launches and new markets are determined by women?
Let’s face it: the female influence is very much needed in our economy.
It starts with 1 major step: women have to learn to take the stage. To lean in as Sheryl Sandberg says and think bigger.
What you should ask yourself
You are unique. There is no one like you. That means that you don’t have to compete with anyone or prove yourself. Just show up and be authentic.
Because this makes the difference between:
“forgettable, I have to yawn messages” and “OMG she is killing it!”
leaving no impression whatsoever and making an impact
So ask yourself? What am I here to do? On this earth and in this life? That is what you should be speaking about. Something close to your heart. Something where you serve.
Own the power of your voice
Look at this picture.
A voice is capable of creating waves. Movement.
In society, in companies and with people.
You are responsible for the energy and message you bring across. What waves do you want to spread?
Do you want to lift others up? Or make them feel small?
The only thing you have to do is be honest, raw and vulnerable. That sounds easy but believe me!
I have been interviewed and I am an author in a book. That was not always easy. I too was unsure what my parents would say or my uncle. It is hard to put yourself out there. But it is needed.
Are you ready to claim the power of your voice? But is something holding you back? You can apply for an unblock session with me.
I will give you sound advice on how to move forward. My superpower is finding blocks. So I will tell you where they are. No strings attached.
I am here to serve too.